Full Circle

What a difference a year makes.

Last year, I was hugely pregnant. My belly was so big my legs looked supermodel thin in comparison. I was only allowed to waddle around sparingly, as I was on mandatory bed rest due to elevated blood pressure. All I wanted was to hold my baby boy, but he chose to send me a message instead.

It didn’t come in the form of one of those trippy pregnancy-induced dreams. It wasn’t spelled out in the bowl when I caved to a random craving for Alpha-Bits cereal.  It was printed on a mug…one that was custom made by my Mom.

It read, “Happy Mother’s Day. I know you are going to be the best Mommy. See you soon. Love, Alex.” I don’t know if it was the frustration of being held hostage in my home, or the overload of pregnancy hormones, or the beautifully simple message (or a combination of the three), but that mug made me cry. And it immediately became one of my most treasured possessions.

Today, I purposely pulled it out of the cabinet to use it for my morning coffee. The difference was my son and my Mom were right next to me, happily playing in celebration of Mother’s Day. A smile involuntarily crept on to my face. I have the best Mommy for a role model, so there’s hope I will one day live up to the message on that mug.

I don't know if I am the best Mommy yet, Alex, but I try to be. I love you always and forever.

Happy Mother’s Day!

***This year, I chose to prepare brunch at home (no more hostage situation over here!). Pistachio Bundt cake is always in demand, but it’s not demanding to make…perfect for Mommies who are supposed to take a day off once in awhile.***

Pistachio Bundt Cake

1 box yellow cake mix

1 package pistachio pudding mix

1 cup club soda

3 eggs

1/2 cup walnuts, chopped

1 cup vegetable oil


Combine all of the ingredients, and mix until well blended. Transfer into a prepared bundt pan, and bake in a 350 oven for about 50 minutes. Enjoy!

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