
Confessions of a Hurricane Mommy

Grocery stores love Mother Nature when she acts up. So, I am in the midst of preparing for a hurricane. Are you jealous? My son is two-years-old, and this is his second hurricane. We were without power for nearly one … Continue reading

Posted in Baby, Dishes, Family, Food, Kids, Life, Mommy, Parents, recipes, Thoughts, weather | Comments Off on Confessions of a Hurricane Mommy

Adios, Taco Packets!

I am still struggling with my Kate Hudson/Dumbo/Urkel ear, but I wanted to make dinner last night (yes I have a problem resting/being sick/feeling useless–add it to the colossal list of things I am working on). I reached in my … Continue reading

Posted in celebrity, Dishes, Family, Food, recipes, Uncategorized | 6 Comments

Anal-Retentive, Greasy-Haired Prom Queen with a Southern Belle Twist

Somehow, I’ve morphed into an anal-retentive, greasy-haired prom queen with a southern belle twist in anticipation of my departure to Puerto Rico. I am driving everyone insane…everyone, except for me. All’s good in my little warped world. Let me give … Continue reading

Posted in Baby, Beach, Food, Kids, Life, Mommy, recipes, Thoughts, Uncategorized, weather | 1 Comment

Bye Bye, Baby

You know something major is happening in my life when I don’t sleep all night, and I break out my cookie cutters at the crack of dawn. Oh, and when I make sure my makeup is prom-perfect before I leave … Continue reading

Posted in Baby, back to school, celebrity, Dishes, Exercise, Family, Food, Holidays, July 4th, Kids, Life, Parents, peanut butter, recipes, Thoughts, Uncategorized | 3 Comments


Dallas. Love. Honor. Betrayal. And a catchy theme song. Are you hooked yet? I am not a TV addict by any means–I like to watch shows, not just have the thing on. During the summer, I miss my standbys (i.e. … Continue reading

Posted in celebrity, Dishes, Food, Mommy, recipes, Thoughts, Uncategorized | 4 Comments


As a Mommy, I’d give my life for my child. No hesitation. That doesn’t make me special…ask any Mommy, and I guarantee she’d do the same. But would you give your life for a total stranger? For your country? Most … Continue reading

Posted in Baby, Beach, Dishes, Exercise, Family, Food, Holidays, Kids, Life, Memorial Day, recipes, Thoughts, Uncategorized, weather | 3 Comments


No, I didn’t get swallowed whole by anything…put your spare change away…no rescue fund donations are necessary. So sorry I haven’t posted in a week! But it was a BIG week! B-I-G! I now have a big boy. A two-year-old. … Continue reading

Posted in Dishes, Family, Food, Kids, Mommy, Parents, recipes, Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Mother’s Day, Interrupted

I had to celebrate Mother’s Day early this year. I wish I could say it was solely because my Mom deserves a week of festivities for putting up with my antics for 39 years, but that’s not the case. Cancer–the … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Food, Jewish, Kids, Life, Mommy, Mother's Day, ovarian cancer, Parents, Thoughts, Uncategorized | 6 Comments

Hello, Summer?!

Of all of the indignities I’ve suffered on this Mommyhood journey–which include, but aren’t limited to: being spit up on, pooped on, peed on, woken up, hit, bit, yelled at, and ignored entirely–I endured the one I hate most of … Continue reading

Posted in Diet, Dishes, Exercise, Family, Food, Kids, Life, Mommy, Parents, recipes, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Random Things That Make Me Happy

Now that I spend most of my time wiping butt and swearing under my breath at a certain toddler/teenager duo molding my precious children into becoming productive members of society, it really doesn’t take much to make me smile. You … Continue reading

Posted in Diet, Dishes, Family, Food, Happy Hour, Kids, Life, Mommy, recipes, Teenagers, Thoughts, Uncategorized | 6 Comments

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